Let next Summer turned up
or wind blow the cooler breeze..
May tiny droplets walk the way..
Let my heart stayed up..
Some precious moments are hidden...
And unspoken truth is captivated..
I want few more moments..
To come up with full flair...
Something somewhere is there,
That's my life motive of my soul
I want few strength to exhibit
Feelings of mine as a whole...
A tiny heart,quiet lips,beautiful eyes,
Freshned lakes,pure waves,endless sky.
This is my love,my life
Hey U world just look into my eyes...
This is fear of frightening
There is fear of losing...
There is fear of giving,
There is fear of my heart..
I am a tiny angel with oceanic love,
Let next rain turned up..
Let me fill my heart a little...&
share a corner with innocent love...
Till then love is untold,unshared
Perhaps it is safer tiil then & there
Let me rejenuate little confidence...
To disclose my lovely heart...
Show me some trust, a positive sign..
Let me smile,my body shine...
Let me fly,touch the mountain..
Embrace with love,love and love...